
Yet Another Health Insurance Plan

From Reuters:

A group of U.S. hospitals on Thursday offered a plan to cover the nation's 47 million uninsured, including mandatory coverage for all and subsidies for the working poor.

The proposal by the Federation of American Hospitals, which represents about 20 percent of the industry, is the latest in a flurry of proposed schemes to solve the growing problem of the uninsured. Since 2000, about 6 million people in the United States have lost their insurance.

The hospital group's plan, estimated to increase federal spending by $115 billion, would build on the employer-based health system, under which most Americans already get coverage.

It would provide subsidies for individuals to buy insurance from their employer if they cannot afford it, or to buy tax-subsidized coverage in the open market.


If the folks could afford the insurance, don't you think they would have purchased it. Will this encourage more employers to offer less coverage, thereby forcing their employees to buy their own coverage. Won't this increase the overall spending as a nation on healthcare when we're already at an all time high and other nations have better stats with far less expenditure?

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