
Clinton 2.0 Beta

Forty-seven million Americans are without health insurance, dependent on the emergency room, or getting no care at all. And here we go again with a complicated plan going nowhere.

I say "again" because in 1970 I wrote a book, "Don't Get Sick in America," on the financing of healthcare. I predicted that, because of rising costs, 1970 would be the year for national health insurance – the next big step after Medicare and Medicaid.

It didn't happen then, and not much has happened, legislatively, since. In 1988, Congress passed a bill providing Medicare coverage in cases of catastrophic illness. Because it required senior citizens to pay sizable premiums, the reaction was so stormy that Congress repealed the bill.

Americans didn't want a Canadian style national health care system when Bill Clinton was in office, and I severely doubt it will be so different this time around...


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