

Here is a little something for first year students or those wishing to enter. It was originally published under another name. Hope this helps.

Dont ask me but somehow I received your message about Medical School. I am just starting my 3rd year clerkships as a medical student at LSU in New Orleans, LA. There are a few things I would like to tell you before you start medical school....and, of course, these are only my opinions and may not represent the opinions of anyone else in this entire world....so take it with a grain of salt.

01 - Everyone, including my doctor, told me to get the hell out of medicine before I got in.

02 - I busted my ass in high school, college, etc...to get to med school.

03 - Once in medical school, what you did to get you there no longer matters.

04 - Be prepared to study....then study somemore, and then a little more... and then be prepared to not do well on the test.

05 - Be prepared to accept the reality that you may be an idiot (this came as a shock to me).

06 - Be thankful that everyone else in your class is also an idiot and no one expects you to know everything all at once, and for every test.

07 - Realize that getting ahead in med school means making lots of friends ... those who step on toes to get to the top are quickly shunned by the rest of the class. This is very bad since people tend to get a hold of old tests, helpful hints, book recommendations, etc..that will be of great benefit to you. If you are the smartest person in the class...dont try to show off and be cocky. There will be plenty of opportunities for people to undermine you if they decide they dont like your attitude. In short, have fun, be nice....make sure you are likable to a large number of people.

08 - No one can go through medical school 8 times, so dont be such a "pal" that you end up doing extra work (typing a review sheet, for example) for your friends while they are out having a good time.

09 - For me, the first year was NOT the hardest. This is b/c I was used to busting my ass to get into medical school that I never slowed down. For some, it is the "wake up call" if you never studied in college.

10 - The second year IS the hardest, its survival of the fittest. They want you to know everything about everything, and some more in between. People quit after every exam.

Lot's More...

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