
MySpace: Doctor Edition

With the traffic that it generates, MySpace has become one of the top internet destinations for the younger generation on the internet. While I doubt it will be duplicated, there are now some attempts to make "The Virtual Physician Lounge." Quite recently, I was approached by one company that is attempting to create exactly this type of service, and was looking for "influential bloggers." This week, I was emailed an invitation for the new Sermo community.

Personally, I think these services face an uphill battle. Physicians are hardly lonely teens that have the need to post every minutiae that happens to them or their patients (not to mention issues of confidentiality and HIPAA). Also, unless there is compelling content, and enough discussion, it looks like a dead forum, and no one will return. Still, there may be room for one or two players in this area, and if it offers some value to the busy doctor, they may gain some traction in this niche market.

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