
Cell Phone Safety

From Medical News Today:

A major UK three-year study has indicated that mobile phone masks do not make you sick - they are not the cause of the symptoms of ill health claimed by some people. Such symptoms as nausea, fatigue and anxiety may feel genuine, according to the Environmental Health Perspectives study, but they are not triggered by the masts.

Mast Sanity, a campaign group, says the findings are unreliable because 12 participants in the trial dropped out due to ill health.

Numerous people during the trial blamed the masts for their symptoms when they were told they were turned on. However, dozens thought the mast was on when it was off and still felt the symptoms, while others felt well when they thought the masts were off (when they were, in fact, on). The study indicates the problem is a psychological one.

Then again, the "River of Denial" runs deep, and cell phones seem to get blamed for a lot of unrelated things.

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