
Hooked On Gaming

From the Chicago Tribune:

"We already know that excessive amounts of video-game playing is bad," Kraus said. "What's important here is what is good for your child. The issue is not going to go away."

At least one Chicago clinician who has treated adolescents who have played video games so excessively they don't go to classes thinks a classification by the AMA as an addiction would be an over-reaction.

All right, let's look at this objectively. Sure, plenty of folks waste a lot of time playing games. Before that, they were watching television, and before that they were probably reading books. When a musician practices his instrument for days on end, is he or she addicted to their piano? I think that only when these folks stay up for days straight, forget to eat or even take a bathroom break are we in addiction territory. Remember, they made these games so that people would want to play them, and perhaps they did too good of a job.

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