
On Calcium & Vitamin D

From ABC News:
Taking calcium and vitamin D supplements for several years can help older women reduce the risk of hip fractures, according to the results of a long-term, comprehensive, federally funded study by the Women's Health Initiative.

The study, published in the Feb. 16 issue of the New England Journal of Medicine, tracked 36,282 women ages 50 to 79 for seven years, half of whom took a daily dose of 1,000 milligrams of calcium combined with 400 international units of vitamin D3, while the other half took placebos.

The results: The calcium-vitamin D group of women who consistently took their supplements as directed showed a 29 percent reduction in the risk of hip fractures, while all women over 60 showed a 21 percent reduction. Or, put another way, there were 39 hip fractures per 10,000 women per year in the group taking the supplements, and 45 in the placebo group.

Although hip fractures were significantly reduced, the supplement did not affect overall bone density scores very much. On average, they improved by about 1 percent for women taking the supplements compared with those taking a placebo.

The rather low change in bone density likely means that taking the two nutrients late in life offers limited benefit, particularly for older women or those at risk of developing osteoporosis, said J. Edward Puzas, an orthopedics professor at the University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry in Rochester, N.Y.

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