
How the rest of the world works...

The next time you here folks complaining about how much doctors make, remind them on how hard doctors work in relation to the rest of the workforce.

It's October and people are going to start getting sick. If you aren't already familiar with The Four Hour Rule from the manifesto, here's a primer. The basic idea behind the Rule is that you can have your cake and eat it too. Here's the deal: early in the morning you make a call or email to your boss letting them know you won't be in today. If you aren't feeling well, say so. Otherwise either say you're taking a personal day or simply say "I won't be in today." By building the expectation that you won't be in at all that day, you've created a small undercurrent of anxiety within the office.

Now, enjoy four hours of personal time and then go into the office at noon. People will be slightly relieved and impressed to see you. Since they weren't expecting to see you at all, when you show up you will have relieved the underlying anxiety. Also, since they weren't expecting you at all, they'll be super-impressed by your work ethic! The key here is to create the expectation of complete absence. If you say that maybe you'll be in later, then you'll diminish the overall effect.

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